How can I help you produce better music in 2024?

How can I help you produce better music in 2024?

As we step into a new year, and as we approach the 1-year mark since I uploaded my first video to my YouTube channel, I want to express two sentiments: firstly a heartfelt Happy New Year to you, and secondly a sincere thank you to everyone who has watched, commented, and subscribed to my YouTube channel over the past 12 months.

I created my YouTube channel with the primary aim of helping people like yourself to record, mix, and master music, and I want to make sure that you get the most out of my videos that you possibly can.

So, as we embark on this new chapter, I’m keen to know what kind of videos you’d like to see from me in the coming months. If there are any topics that you’d like to see me make videos on, or if there are any areas of music production that I can help you with, then please leave me a comment on today’s video.

I am genuinely excited about the prospect of creating videos that resonate with you, and your suggestions will play a crucial role in steering the direction of where my YouTube channel goes from here. Thank you for being a part of, and if you have any suggestions, then I look forward to hearing them.

Click here to watch today’s video.


FREE GUIDES: Get the best results from EQ, compression, and vocals

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